Tuesday 29 December 2015

The Nikam /Nikumbh clan

The RajeNikam / Nikumbh royal family is the mother and superior clan of suryavanshi clans of rajputs. The Gotra of this royal dynasty is Kashyapa/Vashishtha but Nikam clan even follows Nikumbh as their gotra
The traditional ancestor of this clan was Kuvalayasva one of the Suryavanshi Kings of Ayodhya who having conquered the demon Dhunda, acquired the tite of Dhundumara and gave his name to country called Dhundhar or Jaipur.
Here his descendants remained and were known as Nikumbhas. they appear to have been earliest Aryan settlers in Rajputana and on being driven out of Alwar and Jaipur about 1450, settled in Awadh


The Nikumbhas are descendents of a very ancient and famous Solar race. The Solar race of the Nikumbhas, the kings of Ayodhya, from which sprang Ikshvaku ,Mandhatri, Sagara, Bhagiratha, and Rama. Kuvalayaswa,( as mentioned earlier) the great-grandfather of Nikumbha, having conquered the demon Dhundhu, acquired the title of Dhundhumara, or " Slayer of Dhundhu," and gave his name to the country which is now known as Dhundhar, or Jaipur.
Here his descendants remained under the name of Nikumbhas, and to them is attributed the foundation of most of the old forts and cities in Alwar and Northern Jaipur.

Under Mandhatri and Sagara they came into collision with the Haihayas and Talajangas on the Narbada, where a branch of their race still held territory in the thirteenth century. Two inscriptions have been found in Khandesh, one dated in Saka 1075, or A.D. 1153,and the other in Saka 1128, or A.D. 1216.
In the latter the reigning king is said to be of the great solar race, from which " the king Nikumbha, best of princes, sprang ; in whose line Mandhata was famous, as well as Sagara, Bhagiratha, and others." In the former the reigning prince is said to be " celebrated in the race — the illustrious solar race in which the Nikumbh was bom — whose descendant was Rama.

One of the descendants of this Ikshvaku/ Nikumbh royal dynasty was Buddhist God 
Gautam Buddha, who belonged  to the Shakya branch of the Ikshvaku/ Nikumbh dynasty.
The 22nd Tirthankara of Jainism and 24th Tirthankara of Jainism are also born in this dynasty
Heo Hwang-ok or Queen Suriratna of the Gaya kingdom of Korea was born in 32 A.D ( 1st century ) ,  born in the Ikshvaku/Nikumbh dynasty

The name of Nikumbha/Nikumbh has been supplanted in Northern India by that of Raghuvansa, or ** descendant of Raghu," one of the ancestors of Dasaratha and Rama

In those days , the dynasty was known by its famous kings like Ikshvaku-Nikumbh/Nikam -Raghuvansa-Rama.

The Nikumbh royal family known as "Nikam" when they joined Shivaji , the time when they came to Deccan. The Nikam branch of the Nikumbh dynasty is the main and direct  branch of the clan. This dynasty were one of the 96 kuli maratha.

Some Kingdoms under the Nikam / Nikumbh royal family , which is The Kingdom of Dhundhar ( now ruled by an immediate branch of the Nikam/Nikumbh royal family , which the Kacchwahas of Jaipur) , The Kosala kingdom , Ayodhya , Rohtas,Kapilvastu ruled by the Shakya branch of Ikshvaku/ Nikumbh dynasty , Mandalgarh and Alwar(Rajasthan), Khandesh (Maharshtra), Ghazipur, Balia, Mau, Jaunpur, Farrukhabad, Hardoi, Azamgarh , Hastinapur and etc



The Sun Dynasty or Solar Dynasty or Suryavansha is one of the most prominent dynasties in the history of Hinduism, along with the "Chandravansha" or Lunar Dynasty.
"Suryavanshi" means a person belonging to this dynasty. This clan was the eldest and the most prosperous in ancient India till the rise of Magadh in the 6th century BC. Ayodhya, the city founded by Vaivasvata Manu son of Vivasvan or Vaivasvata, was their capital.
The full lineage from Brahma is given in the Ramayana by Valmiki, other important sources are the Mahabharat, the Ramayana , the Bhagwat Purana & the Raghuvamsha of Kalidasa The List of Monarchs
The following is the list, in chronological order, of the monarchs of the solar dynasty. Most of them were rulers of Ayodhya and therefore, Kings of Kosala.
According to Bhagwat Purana, Brahma created sage 10 sages using his mental powers -Marichi, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulaka, Kratu, Vasishtha, Prachetas or Daksha, Bhrigu, Nārada., one of whom was Marichi.
Kashyapa, the son of Marichi and Kala, is regarded as the father of humanity. His sons from Aditi, the sky goddess, and the daughter of Daksha Prajapati are called Adityas (Sons of Aditi), they were, Aṃśa, Aryaman, Bhaga, Dhūti, Mitra, Pūṣan, Śakra, Savitṛ, Tvaṣṭṛ, Varuṇa, Viṣṇu, and Vivasvat or Vivasvan.
Vivasvan or Vaivasvata (one of the sons of Lord Sun) - the Sun God, progenitor of the clan. His parents were the sage Kashyapa, father of all beings, and Aditi, Aditi's 12 sons, the Adityas, are the sun deities, and both Vivaswan and Aditya mean sun. Therefore another name for Vivaswan is Surya or the Sun, hence the name, Suryavansha. Vivaswan's sons include Shrraaddev and Shanishchar. The river Tapi was named after Vivaswan's sister Tapti.
Manu or Vaivasvata Manu - the King of all mankind and the first human being. (According to Hindu belief there are 14 Manvantaras; in each, Manu rules. Vaivasvata Manu was the seventh Manu. Manu is referred to as a Rajan (King) in the Shatapatha Brahmana scripture. He founded the town of Ayodhya. He had nine sons, Vena, Dhrishnu, Narishyan, Nabhaga, Ikshvaku, Karusha, Saryati, Prishadhru, Nabhagarishta and one daughter, Ila, who was married to Budha of the Lunar Dynasty). He left the kingdom to the eldest male of the next generation, Ikshvaku, who was actually the son of Manu's brother Shraaddev.
Ikshvaku - the first prominent monarch of this dynasty, giving the dynasty its another name the Ikshvaku dynasty. He had one hundred sons. Fifty of them ruled Uttarapath (Northern India) and fifty ruled Dakshinapath (Southern India).
Vikukshi - He is said to have eaten the meat of a rabbit at the time of Shraddha and was known as Shasad. (Some records claim him to be grandson of Ikshvaku.) His son was Kakuthsa or Puranjay.
Kakutstha or Puranjaya - He was a brave king and fought in the Devasur Sangram. His original name was Puranjaya. But after he annihilated Asuras (demons) while sitting on the hump (Kukud) of a bull, he was known as Kakuthstha, which means seated on the hump. His dynasty was also known as Kakuthstha after him.
Anena or Anaranya
Ardra or Chandra
Yuvanashva I
Shravast - He founded the town of Shravasti near Kosala.
Kuvalayasva - He killed a Rakshasa named Dhundh. It is said that Dhundhar region and the Dhund river are named after Dhund. Eighteen of Kuvalashva's sons died in the battle with Dhund. Thereafter, Kuvalashva was called "Dhundhumara".
Haryashva I
Prasenjit I - His daughter Renuka was married to sage Jamdgni. She was mother of Parashurama.
Yuvanashva II - He was married to Gori, daughter of the Chandravanshi king Matinaar.
Mandhata - He became a famous and Chakravarti (ideal universal ruler) king. He defeated most of the other kings of his time. He married Bindumati, a daughter of the Chandravanshi king.
Purukutsa - He performed the Ashwamedha Yajna (horse sacrifice). He married Nagkanya "Narmada". He helped Nagas in their war against the Gandharvas. Traddasyu
Anaranya II
Haryashva II
Satyavrata or Trishanku - His original name was Satyavrata, but he committed three (tri) sins, and hence got the name Trishanku. First, while he was a prince, he misbehaved and was temporarily exiled from the kingdom. Next, he killed the milch cow of his preceptor Vasishta. His third sin was that he used the unsanctified meat of his kill as food. Trishanku also had a desire to ascend to heaven in his mortal body. After Vashistha refused him this boon, since it is against nature to ascend into heaven as a mortal, the sage Vishwamitra, Vashistha's rival, created another heaven for him, called "Trishanku's Heaven", and located in mid-air. His sons were Dhundumara, and Harishchandra, who was borh of the princess of "Kaikaya" named "Satyaraksha".
Harishchandra - He is known for his honesty, truth and devotion to duty or Dharma.
Rohitashva - He was the son of Harishchandra. He founded town of Rohtas Garh in Rohtas district, Bihar and Rohtak, originally Rohitakaul, meaning from the Kul (family) of Rohit
Bahu or Asit - He was attacked and defeated by another clan of Kshatriyas. After this, he left Ayodhya and went to the Himalaya mountains to live as an ascetic with his queens. At that time Yadavi queen was pregnant with Sagara.
Sagara - He recaptured Ayodhya from the "Haihaya" and "Taljanghi" Kshtriyas. He then attempted to perform the horse sacrifice, Ashwamedha Yajna. However, the sacrificial horse was stolen by the god Indra on the south eastern shores of the ocean, which was at that time an empty bed with no water in it. At least sixty of Sagara's sons died attempting to recover the horse, also causing great destruction by their reckless search. Puranic legends say the number of his sons was 60 thousand.
Asmanja - Sagara's surviving son was not made king due to his bad conduct.
Anshuman - He was the grandson of Sagara, and his successor as king. He did penance in an attempt to bring the holy river Ganges to earth, that she might wash away the sins of his ancestors.
Dileepa I - He also tried to bring Ganges to earth, but also failed.
Bhagiratha - Sagara's great-grandson, after strenuous penances, at last succeeded in bringing Ganga down from heaven. When she flowed over the remains of his ancestors, their souls were redeemed, and the ocean was refilled. Ganga also bears the name "Bhagirathi", in honour of his deed.
Ambarish - According to Buddhist legends, he went to Tapovana to be a renunciant but after a public outcry returned and ruled for some time.
Sindhu Dweep
Saudas or Mitrasah - He performed the Ashwamedha Yajna, but as the rituals were concluding a Rakshasa tricked him into serving human meat to Brahmin,s including Rishi Vashishta. He was then cursed by the Brahmins. He wanted to curse them back, but his wife prevented him. He spent twelve years in exile in the forest.
Sarvakama II
Ananaranya III
Raghu I
Khatwang Dileepa
Raghu II or Dirghbahu - He was a famous king, who conquered most of India. The great epic Raghuvamsa describes his victories. After him the Sun dynasty was also known as the dynasty of Raghu or Raghu Vansha.
Rama - He is considered the seventh Avatar of the god Vishnu. He is worshiped by every Hindu. Rama's story before he became king of Ayodhya is recounted in the Ramayana. After he ascended the throne, he performed the Ashwamedha Yajna. Bharata, his younger brother, won the country of Gandhara and settled there, where his two sons, Taksha and Pushkal, founded the cities of Taksashila and Pushkalavati, now known as Taxila and Peshawar. Rama's third brother, Lakshmana, founded Lakshmanpur, now known as Lucknow, and his youngest brother Shatrughna, Lakshmana's twin, was given Madhura which is now known as Mathura.
Sumitra - He was the last king (118th) of Ayodhya from solar dynasty. In the fourth century BC, emperor Mahapadma Nanda of the Nanda Dynasty forced Sumitra to leave Ayodhya. He went to Rohtas with his sons. His son Kurma established his rule over Rohtas

Sadly, During the lapse of many centuries they lost their central provinces, and at the time of the Muhammadan conquest only the two outlying districts of Khandesh on the south and Alwar on the north remained to them

Two inscriptions have been found in Khandesh, one dated in Saka 1075, or A.D. 1153,and the other in Saka 1 128, or A.D. 1216. In the latter the reigning king is said to be of the great solar race, from which " the king Nikumbha, best of princes, sprang ; in whose line Mandhata was famous, as well as Sagara, Bhagiratha, and others." In the former the reigning prince is said to be " celebrated in the race — the illustrious solar race in which the Nikumbh was bom — whose descendant was Rama.


Raja Allashakti Nikumbha ( Nikam ), seventh-century ruler in Khandesh territory who donated land in Pimpalner village in Dhule to Brahmans to perform cultural practice.

Raja Vairdev Nikumbha ( Nikam ), eighth-century ruler in Khandesh territory who donated villages Bahal and Devagav to Nagsharman Brahman.

King Bappaji Nikam, chief of Baglan Area.Gopajirao Nikam, warrior chief of Baglan who fought against Emperor Akbar.

Nikams (NikumbhRaje) of Khandesh are descendents of old Nikumbh Dynasty. The Rulers of Nikumbhvanshas ruled Khandesh during the period of 1000-1216 AD.


Surnames of Nikam clan includes : Akolkar, Awtade, Bade, Banker, Barekar, Barge, Bawankar, Bhojne, Chawde, Chimne, Chinge, Dandge, Dankne, Dhamde, Dhapse, Dharso, Dharte, Dhawre, Dhrgade, Dongre, Gajmal, Gale, Gang, Gidde, Gonk, Gudhe, Gune, Hakne, Hawilhanday, Jale, Jiwnik, Kalale, Kalokhe, Kank, Kankale, Kanknarayan, Khalate, Kudare, Kumbh, Masake, Matarmak, Matsagar, Narkhamb, Naudhare, Navratne, Navrse, Nichve, Nikde, Parvatrao, Pimpalkarad, Pubele, Rakte, Randhwne, Sable, Samke, Sarak, Sarate, Sawle,Shrirampur, Take, Tatke, Timble, Tryambke, Vananar. (Total 62)

Khalates are Nikam who dwells mainly in "Khunte"(Phaltan) & "Late", Shirishne, Kambaleshwar (Baramati) villages Holding Patilship.The Nikams are also found in villages like Kashil-Koparde, Apshinge, Pimpode Budruk, Ambheri and many others of Satara District. The Apshinge village is welknown for Military service as every villager itself part of Indian military.

The Barges are Nikams who holds Patilship of Koregaon, Chinchner Vandan (Satara District) since Pre-shivaji period. Many Barges served all the Chhatrapatis of Satara, Kolhapur and Peshwas. 
Sardar Barge clansmen are also present in Sardar Barge ki Goth, Gwalior being Sardars of Principality.The Sarnoubat of Chhatrapati Shivaji was Yesaji Kank, a Nikam clansman itself.
 Kank sub clan of Nikams are found in Bhutonde Village of Velavand Khore and were Deshmukhs in Maval, decendents of Yesaji Kank still live in their "prachin wada"The Matsagar sub clan of Nikam gained the name Matsagar by killing a man-eater snake, they are present in Jarul and Aghur(Vaijapur of Aurangabad) and Pimpalas(Niphad) of Nashik District.

Sardar Sabale(Sable), was sub clan of Nikam, who majoritily found in Waduth, Shivthar villages of Satara District. Sardar Udaji Sabale was Sardar of Peshwa who helped Sardar Pawars of Dhar in the Conquest of Dhar(1728).

The Farrukhabad colony was established towards the end of 12th century by two Nikumbh adventurers from Awadh called Man and Sahraj, who were invited by raja of Kannauj to expel the aboriginal Bhars. Their descendants rendered valuable assistance to Somvanshi raja Sandi who conferred on then the title nikumbh which means nek-kam or good service.

The Srinet clan is considered to be of the same stock as the Nikumbhs. The Nikumbh are said to have been given the title of Srinet by an emperor of Delhi, because they would not bow their heads on entering his presence, and when hefixed a sword at the door some of them allowed their necks to be cut through by the sword rather than bend the head. The term Srinet is supposed to mean headless.


  1. Is bharadwaj gotra also of nikumph gotta?

  2. Is bharadwaj gotra also of nikumph gotta?

  3. for Nikam the royal rajput maratha clan , the gotra is Kashyapa or Nikumbh (Ikshvaku)

  4. Sarnobat of Shivaji Maharaj Yesaji Kank and his 14 decendent , we are in Madhya Pradesh at present 2017
    And our goutra is prashar (nikam).

  5. can i get more information of Sardar Sabale(Sable)

  6. Thanks for sharing such kind of information about Nikam clan.. will you told me kuldaivat & devak for that clan.

  7. Nice effort at least we know about our forefathers, thanks.

  8. Above information was there on wikipedia, but now i dont see it

  9. Very detailed and informative.

  10. Very good information.Thanks

  11. I am a Tapare from Bhor my ancestors have also belonged to the Nikam clan of 96 kul Maratha. My acestors settled on in a village called Tapare waadi in Bhor taluka, Pune district
